Saturday, 1 December 2007

A gallery in the sky

The public was invited to come to an opening to celebrate and examine the textual image poem cards. Balloons were released from University Street in Belfast in late December.

Balloon and blog website

Please let us know if you have found a postcard drifting by your neighbourhood to this website.

A balloon with picture-text postcard waiting to be released

Poem: " Hopscotch" by Jen Moeller

Poems: "Present Tense" by Michelle Young; "7/2/2006" by Dan Leith; "Rustle" by Kris Cooke

Poems "Patterns repeat again " by Collette Thompson; "Winter Steps" by Jane Murdoch; "Skygazing" by Ruth McCavery

"in from the cold" poem by Kris Cooke

Poems "High Wire" by Shirley Millar; "Anywhere but home" by Michelle Young

Poems "fish hurtling" by Collette Thompson; "Remember" by Janice Kernoghan; "Avionics of Angels" by Dan Leith

wing by Stevie Prickett

max speed

i disappear by Anna Newell

Electric Fish by Jane Murdoch

High Hopes poem by Shirley Millar

red monday, by jen moeller

Beyond by Janice Kernoghan

One of us - Poem by Ruth McCavery

home poem by Michelle Young

found poem work by Colette Thompson